Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I need your help!!!!

Okay, so the pics have been narrowed down to these 5. I have to submit the pic tomorrow, so I need your help figuring out which one to use. Since he is my little guy, every pic is dang cute, so every opinion will help!







Michelle said...

I like #3!!

Camille said...

#1 or #2 for me!

Jesse, Christa and Marshall said...

#5 or #3 for me

Katie said...

I vote for #3. It is fun because of the angle and it shows personality. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Aly said...

Cute blog! It will be so fun to keep in touch again!

I'm not sure how you will ever choose, he is just too dang cute!!

Aly said...

I'm gonna go with #1 pride & joy